Ed Miliband seems to have a problem this week, making up his mind !
His problem is just who the “squeezed middle” actually are and whether he agrees with his shadow chancellor on tax policies.
In a newspaper article, he wrote:
We must understand why, despite all that was achieved over the last decade, so many people who work hard and want to get on came to feel squeezed.
Why did too many families feel that the gap between their lives and their dreams became larger and harder to bridge?’ (Daily Telegraph, 26 November 2010)
Sandwell Tory said “ Let me remind him “
£751 more in council tax. Council tax soared across the country under Labour,
on an average Band D.
£2,100 more in personal tax. Personal taxation, including national insurance contributions, rose by £2,100 for a person on the average wage of £23,300, under Labour
Higher pensions tax. Labour’s pension tax raid is estimated to have cost pension funds £5 billion a year.
In total, taxes on the middle classes rose by £40.9 billion under Labour. Taxes taken from middle income households rose by £40.9 billion, or 22 per cent, between 1998/9 and 2008/9.
“No wonder Labour’s policies are a “blank sheet of paper”.

Poor Mr Milliband does have a massive problem to solve, his Governments prolific rampant spending helped get us into this mess and the people know it.
It had got to a point were the taxes from the private sector simply could not pay for
their plans for public sectors spending, hence a lot of the borrowing.
Labour also forgot about engineering and industry during their 13 years in power, a major sector in wealth creation, the last 13 years has seen a number of big names
leave the UK for the lower tax levels on the continent further raising local unemployment.
They will now have to re-build and repair what they did to get trust back, so look out for Labour snuggling up to industrialists.
In the mean time the only policy Labour has forthcoming has been to blame everything on the coalition, including the weather, perhaps hoping the people will forget what they did.
We must never forget
During his Labour Party conference speech, Gordon Brown said “We will not put hard won economic stability at risk. No return to short-termism. No return to Tory boom and bust” .
Come on the TV & tell that story to the people on the dole.
Labour always has had short memories
Life is full of mysterious coincidences
These are the years Labour were in control and our country went belly up, the young should research 1978, that was the year the UK went broke and the Labour prime minister went to the IMF for an emergency loan, just like Ireland has this week.
Ed, give us a policy any policy will do? or are you waiting for policies to come out of the “blue”
He also told BBC radio: ‘Yeah. I am a socialist. I’m not embarrassed about it’ (Radio 5Live, 26 November 2010)
Get out , I just don't believe it !