Friday 30 September 2011

Is “Ed” attacking business?

The one big story to come out of Labours very quiet Conference was their leaders speech to their conference on the 27th September on business and predators and producers.

They’ve been taxed the same. Regulated the same. Treated the same. Celebrated the same. They won’t be by me.’

So just who will decide who is a predator or producer? Labour perhaps? What is a predator or a producer ?

Labour do not seem to get it,  

“Market forces are bigger and stronger than individual countries”

Mess with the market and the market will move out of the UK.
and we’ll all be out of work

Alistair Darling said ‘If I build in a city centre am I good for investing or bad for speculating? Businesses are there to make money’
(Alistair Darling, FT Westminster Blog, 27 September 2011, link).

Shadow Treasury Minister Chris Leslie said that we can’t and mustn’t pick good and bad companies: ‘What you can’t do and what you mustn’t do is start to pick good winners and good losers’ (BBC News Channel, 28 September 2011).

Strangely enough only a day after his speech Ed seems to have a problem with his own speech??????

Speaking on the Today programme, Miliband admitted that: ‘Government can’t legislate for all of that or regulate all of that’ (BBC Radio 4, Today, 28 September 2011).

So what is going on? Are we moving back to the Tax them till it hurts?
Or does Labour want to stop the free market growth in the private sector that produced 500,000 new jobs last year?  In fact does Labour want a thriving business sector?

Based on the press statements released including a number from former Labour ministers the main theme seems to be Labour’s old friend Tax & Borrow.

Sandwell Tory said

Come on Labour give us a clue ?? is taxing companies a policy ??

Monday 26 September 2011

Labour has 'made mistakes'

Let’s get this right

£ Devalued
Income tax up
Petrol escalator
Council tax up   (till we got in)
10 p tax gone
Private pensions taxed £Billions,  some to the point of closure  

Then the debt, yes that now said to be well over £1 trillion and some estimate over £2 trillion  

We are having to pay about £120 million per day in interest, that’s more than we spend on our schools each day.  

That basically means every home will pay £2,000 this year, just to cover the debt interest after we’ve paid that we still have to pay off the actual debt

And we get

Sorry!  Is that it ?????????????

Our back room boys say this new Labour plan would cost another £20 Billion

Sandwell Tory said

Boy, do these guys like spending your money

See for your self

Saturday 24 September 2011

Ed says he will fight to help working families

Having a look at the Internet news items I found Labours latest press release

It states that Labour will help working families?

I can assure the readers of this blog, I will give him some ideas on how Labour can help me and other families.

They can start by repairing my company pension which almost disappeared after his Government put a stealth tax on it meaning I will have to work longer

Then he can pay me back all the extra income tax that I’ve paid since his government whipped away the 10p tax band

Then he can pay me back the £3 a day parking charges, I pay while at work

Then he can move on to education and help those who need good maths and science
To get a good job

But most of all he can help the working families who are paying off the national debt as the 
 UK public sector net debt in July 2011 was £940.1 billion
(61.4 per cent of GDP)- (this excludes financial sector intervention.)

but perhaps he doesn’t need my advice, from the last posting about the You-Gov findings Six out of 10 said they thought his political party has still not "faced up to the damage they did to the British economy".

Sandwell Tory said “I can't believe its only 60%”

Red Ed

It taken long than I thought but the people seem to be waking up to what has happened to the UK over the last 15 years.
There are now a range of stories coming to light about what went on during the last government

The latest You-gov  poll tells a good story

Which of these would make the best Prime Minister?

                  David Cameron           Ed Miliband               Nick Clegg         Don't Know
2011                       %                              %                                 %                       %
September 13-14            36                              22                                 5                       37

But the report goes on to comment on the leaders ratings for 2011, August 29-30 

Ed Miliband

Sticks to
what he
believes in



In touch
ordinary People

Good in a


A natural


None of these

Don't Know


But for  2011, August 29-30 

David Cameron

Sticks to
what he
believes in



In touch
ordinary People

Good in a


A natural


None of these

Don't Know


As I’ve said before I hope Labour keeps their leader

To see more click on the You Gov box at the side  

Sunday 4 September 2011

Labour misled the world

What on earth was Labour playing at?

It’s not often I am totally speechless, but they do say if you wait long enough the truth always comes out. 

Read this and make your own mind up

They are papers and documents found in Libya   

Saturday 3 September 2011

Save our NHS

I read with interest the latest article of on Labour’s claims that the Government is reducing NHS funding for deprived areas and specifically Sandwell.

In fact Labour is now going around with a petition called save our NHS

But I have one simple answer for Sandwell Labour, this is categorically untrue.

The Government is increasing spending on the NHS in real terms in every year of this Parliament. Indeed, the lowest any area will see its spending increase by in 2011-12 is 2.5 per cent – and this is Kingston-upon-Thames, which is not an area of high deprivation. The average across the country is 3 per cent.

In Sandwell our local area, thanks to the Government’s commitment to the NHS, spending is increasing by 3.1%.

Sadly Labour has failed to meet our commitment to increased NHS spending, either in Government or now in Opposition. Their spending plans would see the NHS cut in every area of the country, some estimates say Labour were planning to cut the NHS by £1Billion

See for yourself, by clicking on this link

But let’s look deeper at what has happened with the NHS

Remember mixed sex wards

Labour broke their promises to end mixed-sex wards. Labour’s 1997 manifesto promised: ‘As part of our concern to ensure quality, we will work towards the elimination of mixed-sex wards’ (Labour Party, General Election Manifesto 1997). The 2001 Labour Manifesto, promised: ‘Mixed-sex wards will be abolished’ (Labour Party, General Election Manifesto 2001).

One in four patients in mixed-sex wards under Labour. The Care Quality Commission reported that in Labour’s last year of government, one in four patients were still treated in mixed-sex wards (Care Quality Commission, Annual inpatient survey, 13 May 2009). Years after their promise

Over 140,000 patients a year still in mixed-sex accommodation by the time Labour left office. If the first monthly figures – published in December – were extrapolated across the year as a whole, over 140,000 patients every year suffered the indignity of mixed-sex accommodation when we took office (Department of Health Press Release, 20 January 2011,

We sorted it in 8 months

After years of failure under Labour, our Government has driven down by 90 per cent the number of hospital patients in mixed-sex wards. We introduced tough measures to scrap mixed-sex accommodation in almost all hospitals.

The NHS has done a fantastic job getting to grips with this. Single-sex accommodation is what people can now expect. By introducing greater transparency, this Government has driven down breaches by 90 per cent in eight months

Sadly Labour derided our tough action as ‘pointless’. Shadow Health Minister Liz Kendall said in January that fining hospitals which failed on mixed-sex accommodation was pointless (BBC News Online, 19 August 2011, 

click on this link to see more


The number of nurses in the NHS is going up, Remember MRSA, CDIF and others

We are spending money were it matters ON THE PATIENT.
The NHS is safe with us and we keep our promise! 

Anyone would think there’s an election round the corner