Monday 14 December 2015

Cooper Must Resign

Years ago we told you of the incompetence, years ago we asked the government to step in, the Government has finally taken over Sandwell children's services, COOPER MUST RESIGN.

Since the first shocking details started to leak out in 2009 Cooper has been at the helm of a failing ship.

Cabinet members have resigned, Loads of heads of departments have been sacked, 100's of social workers sacked and even with a new cabinet member Sandwell children's services is failing

The Prime Minister has said 
"Local authority children's services 
that are putting the lives of young people at risk 
will be taken over by other councils

Cooper has made promise after promise

yet the children suffer, staff suffer,  while these councillors are driven around in posh limousines

Sandwell Tory said
Mr Cooper don't find excuses don't try to blame anyone else


Thursday 30 July 2015

A Hint of Democracy

 This last few weeks we have heard from failing Labour administrations in Birmingham, Sandwell, Wolverhampton and Dudley, just how wonderful it would be for them to get their hands on extra money to become a massive authority.
We even have some people thinking they could be good enough to run for Mayor.

There is one problem to the political frenzy for funding,

Not one elected member of any West Midland Authority has mandate to do it, yes not one put it in any leaflet , not one made it a part of their election campaign, in a true bit of dirty politics they all waited till just after the election.

Now however there is a glimmer of light, a sliver of decency shining through the smog of local politics

A petition which calls for Sandwell residents to have a 

please click on link to sign the petition 
or click on "Sandwell your voice"  picture on the right

Sandwell Residents can voice their opinion by forcing the Council to listen to its residents

Sandwell Tory said
People all across the whole political spectrum are against a Greater Birmingham, an area's identity
and heritage cannot be sold, lets trust the the people to decide

Monday 20 July 2015

West Midlands Council JOKE

So the powers that be want us all to jump up and down with excitement about the proposed West Midlands Super Council, there is however one little problem to this cunning plan,  most of the councils are in a complete mess and failing.
Failing Labour run Birmingham now joins Failing Labour run Sandwell, Failing Labour run
Wolverhampton and failing Labour run Dudley.

This new leaked report say that Birmingham council 'is failing to improve and leadership is poor' we know that folks just look at Sandwell.

In Birmingham's case the council has been told to improve or the Government will send a team in to run it

Sadly for Birmingham residents Birmingham Council leader Sir Albert Bore insisted he was “confident” progress was being made” which strangely enough is similar to the phrase used by Sandwell's Labour leader Councillor Cooper just before the Ofsted bombshell when Sandwell Children's services were dubbed ‘inadequate’ and the statement The Government is very concerned” is still hanging over Sandwell.

This follows Wolverhampton Council hiring a troubleshooter to improve its failing schools and Dudley has a big problem upsetting everyone by wanting to site a new Enterprise zone in the middle of a green belt. 

This is topped by the sickening announcement that the police and our local authorities haven't got a clue what to do with CSE   issues in the West Midlands,  someone deserves the sack for this, as it looks like the WMP have completely  ignored the Jay report.

Sandwell Tory said 
There a lot to do before we talk about elections for a Mayor or West Midlands leader, the people deserve things to work first. 
but there are a few things you can be sure of 
1, We know about poor leadership in Sandwell
2, no one will ever resign,
3, there are lessons to be learned
4, we are working on this issue

till the next time of course

Saturday 18 July 2015

Sandwell Council Accounts Failure

Once again the local circus is in town, this time Sandwell Council has been found guilty of “Mismanagement” and "misconduct" after failing to file the correct legal documents for the last 18 months

The Charity Commission was forced to investigate Sandwell MBC after saying it had NO legitimate excuse for not filing full accounts for the Hadley Playing fields in Smethwick.

Any organisation registered as a charity has to file accounts with the Charity Commission

Sandwell Tory said

This is just another failure by this council in a long line of failures, Sandwell council is under investigation by KPMG but the council has not released the findings, Councillors have stepped down and the police are currently conducting an investigation

This follows appalling children's Services Ofsted failures going back 6 years

the list goes on and on and the residents of Sandwell deserve better in this failing borough

ref E&S p5 17:07:15

Friday 5 June 2015

Sandwell's children services "inadequate"


The people of Sandwell deserve better, with heads of departments gone, cabinet members gone, staff sacked , staff re-employed, but once again Sandwell is still inadequate

Sandwell residents have become accustom to inadequacy from this leadership but  the leadership must go and right to the top.

the Ofsted report says
Leadership, management and governance, inadequate

We already know that, year after year we have had promises of improvement and year after year it stays the same.

For years this failure has continued with the same leadership at the top.
 We now call for Mr Cooper to resign, the children and families deserve better,  the people of Sandwell deserve better.

Sandwell Labour can now boast 

The Council is under investigation about land sales
Poor Educational results
Dead High streets
Major housing problems and a
Inadequate Children's services

Sandwell Tory said
Mr Cooper must resign,and will a our red faced Mr Watson force him ?
Will Mr Watson shout in the Commons calling for resignations?
What will this do for Mr Watsons attempt at deputy Labour leader ?

What a distastefulness mess, what a shame for the kids 

Monday 1 June 2015

Tom doesn't think Labour overspent

Yes just weeks after he was reported as throwing his name in the hat as a contender for the role of Labours deputy leader, Tom has now appeared on the BBC's Sunday politics show.

Interviewed by Andrew Neil a excellent TV journalist, Tom seemed quite evasive when asked on a number of occasions his views about the last Labour governments spending

Andrew finally said
You and I both said two times each, that is four times we’ve said it isn’t the case, I am asking a different question, were you borrowing too much when the crash, which you didn’t cause, came?

Tom replied
I personally don’t think we were.

Click on the picture 

Sandwell Tory said
This latest comment comes shortly after Tom was in the press about
 his poor attendance record in the commons

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Tony Blair resigns

Yes Tony Bliar is reported as writing to the UN boss Ban Ki-moon to confirm his resignation.

Mr Bliar has been the peace envoy since 2007, lots of writers say Mr Bliar has been in the job far to long
He joins a very select group of former Labour socialists who have become very wealthy

Sandwell Tory said
Now he's gone lets see the Chilcot report , now that would make interesting reading

click on link to

Saturday 14 February 2015

To All our Readers

We have not gone away ,
We have not moved to a new web site

We are back by popular demand
Yes, after the last of many emails
asking were have all the real Tories in Sandwell gone

we are back brewing up controversy
Next Post soon