Tuesday 11 February 2014

West Bromwich Disaster


Following years of failed commercial decisions concerning its High Streets, Sandwell Labour have now chalked up another grand messy failure , West Bromwich Town is the 2nd worst Town in the UK for empty shops.

This Council goes from failure to monumental disaster

Sandwell Labour, a few questions for you? 
Why did you allow an out of town shopping centre to be built 100 yds away from your 
premier town?

Why did you spend £millions pedestrianising the pedestrianised high street that few walk on?

Why did you move the bus station to where few people can walk to ?
And most of all
Why did you raise your parking charges so high no one uses the town ?

                                        Its £4 to park to see this ?

 Labour are you ashamed ? 

Smethwick is little better 
Cars queue up to park here 

Labour here's a few tips on business

CENTRO's buses go to the wrong part of the town
Open up Roads that go nowhere 

Remove you parking fees

Open up the High Street to vehicular traffic

(Handsworth high street works fine and business is good  )

Sandwell Tory said



The report does not say if the analysis includes the shops that Labour have bulldozed,.
After all, if Labour bulldoze every empty shop, it makes the figures look so good

Lets wait for the excuse "Its the bankers" they haven't given Labour enough to waste

Ref E&S p4, 11th Feb 2014