Sunday, 30 September 2012

Red Ed and the Banks?

I see Red Ed is at it and has shown his total lack of knowledge one more time, this time by saying Break up the Banks,
Too late Son your own lot bet you to it, RBS, Nat West and HSBC, Lloyds are not British and where do you think Santander's head office is based ?

Its definitely  not Doncaster!

Do you honestly think you can tell foreign banks what to do ?. you must have got ideas well above your station if you think you can tell foreign banks what to do, after all your lot had 13 years to do it.

I do strangely enough feel he is more than qualified to break the Banks, after all his lot broke our Union of England, Ireland,Scotland and Wales and went on to break the Educational system, we had a few Wars and then they went on to break the financial system.

Sandwell Tory said
This is simply another diversion (Spin) away from the main issues of what the Labour Party did to our fair country and also our Town Centre and I dare say the Labour party would love to see a England a Socialist state just like the ones Russia and China have spent 10 years or more getting rid of.

3, (1)You must treat others with respect.

and  Don't forget 146 out of 151

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Can you remember any more that have gone?

West Bromwich was a thriving Midlands town and the West Brom building society had its main headquarters in the high street, giving excellent a time when

West Bromwich Town boasted
The Kings cinema
The Queens cinema
The Palace cinema
The Imperial cinema
The Tower Cinema

The town had an Arcade which was a beautiful undercover set of miniature shops, linking the high street to Paradise Street, this is were I used to get toasted soldiers and a coffee in the morning from the café and who remembers Lulu's? 

Close by the Arcade there was the indoor market, absolutely excellent are the only word to describe it, but just up Paradise Street was the towns Railway station were I used to catch the train to Birmingham or Wolverhampton. The other end of Paradise Street was the “Country Girl” another coffee shop again always full and across the road was Broadheads cake shop at Dartmouth Square,Wow did they make cakes !
and to swill that down you could go to Trows Ice cream shop in Bull Street

Lower Queen Street had the Cassa Bamboo a coffee house always full of young people
Tesco's were in St Michael Street opposite Willi Holts snooker hall, but West Brom also boasted a further snooker hall over the top of Burtons shop.

Just down the road in New street was the Adelphi a brilliant dance hall , I went to the Radio one road show there and there were regular dances at the Gala Baths when they put a wooden floor over the big old bath and the gala restaurant was excellent, not forgetting the “Steering Wheel” club, on the subject of restaurants remember the Tower restaurant and the Albion players ?

From New Street it was a short walk to Dartmouth park, you could not find a better park in any town in England, Its pavilion (and the swearing parrot), Boating pool , Fishing pool and paddling pools for the kids

To our younger readers who cannot comprehend how vibrant West Bromwich was, just Google Old West Bromwich Town, there's plenty to see and you can see what you've missed.and here's some more old names that have gone

Preedys, The Dartmouth pub ,The Farriers,Bell & Jones,Hughes the Butchers,Dewhurst,
Chelsea Girl, Burtons,Radio Rentals,British Legion club,Millers, Bodnams,Woolworths, 
Marks & Spencer, Cantors,John Menzies,Co-Op,Freeman-Hardy-Willis, Timothy Whites,
Tompson & Roses, Evans, Druckers, Porters the fish shop,Chads , Dicken's the sports shop, Siviters, Stan Willetts , Tommy Bibs electrical, The Gas board Showroom, The Electricity Board showroom Clarkes shoe shop, Spooners, Lord John, Don Millers , Sewing Box, Harris's, 
Terrys record shop,Taylors, Turners Records, Currys, Dixons, Rumbellows,Wulfrun Camp, 
The Joke shop( Carters Green) Alans Caravans, Guest Motors, Charles Clarke motors, Derby's, Zizmans, Littlewoods, Sainsburys,Christ Church,Bert Shinton (bikes), K&J, The Louvre (Ladybird Shop) Hill & Long, EMB, The Roebuck, The Flask, Ebenezer Church & School, 
The Anchor, Fred Bakers, Pawsons, Halfords, Mother care, Smiths China shop, Roy Peplows
and 2 other Police Stations,

We even had West Bromwich Corporation Bus service, that made money and the profit helped keep the old rates down.

This was the Town our Building Society was based in, but all of the above have gone, which now sadly includes the building society, these town shops left the building society almost all alone.
Where was Labour's plan 10- 15 or 20 years ago to help West Bromwich? because all we got was the Public!, card board fronted shops and parking tickets

Just to recap Sections from their press release

The West Brom the 6th largest building society is on the move
Society announces plans to move to new premises next year.
Leading regional building society the West Brom has confirmed plans to move to new head office premises in the heart of the Black Country.

Chief Executive of the West Brom, said: “Moving to Point North marks a new era in the Society’s heritage, sending out a clear message that the West Brom is a modern, growing and successful organisation

Read it for your self

We lost West Bromwich Town Council and have a Labour run Sandwell Council

Labour shame on you for what's happened to our once magnificent town, in just 30 years
and how dare you attack the building society when your own Labour party run Council moved 100's of staff from Lombard Street to Oldbury only a few months ago,  leaving West Brom desolate.

Is it OK for you to do it but no one else ?

Can you think of any more that have gone?
and Who will Labour Blame?

Friday, 28 September 2012

Who's Next To Go

Its with sadness that I hear the West Bromwich building society HQ is leaving our main town.
I am not parley to whats gone on and unlike some others blogging from the council I will not rant on how bad it is,  as  I just don't feel sorry for this Labour run Council, I could see it coming.

They just don't seem to have any clue of life in the business world and this ranting shows that Sandwell Labour is totally out of its depth  and the only people who will loose out are the local hard working people who once again catch another Labour mess, just like when Labour messed up the economy .

We have had hints and comments for months and months about the Society in the press, with no firm commitment, but land is not the only aspect in consideration.
Parking and staff qualifications also go a good way

Its about time Labour started to smell the coffee and became more business centred, but I'll go further and tell Mr Cooper just what is a real disgrace

Parking is abysmal and driving people away (no pun intended)
Get rid of your rather stupid anti car obsession with traffic lights and bollards 
The Bus Station is in the wrong place
Mothball the Public
A level results are almost at the bottom of the countries league tables
keep your Libraries open
No swimming baths
Blocking off the the main ring road   
Sandwell Tory said
Will we get a resignation over this?, I doubt it and I wonder if Labour have already had a meeting to see who to blame?.
                          So who will be next to go, the council leader or other companies? 
 I just hope the Albion don't go next  
It only ever rains bad news in Sandwell, but at least it stops the tumble weed rolling down what was once the best High Street in the West Midlands! 

Do we get an Apology Mr Cooper?  there's an old Lady waiting? 

 Sandwell Councillors code of conduct 
 3, (1)You must treat others with respect.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Is this more money in the Bin?

I see the mathematicians at Sandwell have been hard at work again,this time over lost Bins
Apparently 1000 bins are reported lost each month and "Research"  has shown that some people are requesting replacements when they still have their bins.?

If as they say 50% of requests are bogus, that means 50% are genuine and up to 500 a month disappear.

Assuming the council replaces the 500 bins within one month that also means there are
500 x 4weeks = 2000 possible missed bin collections ??????

I wonder if that shows up on their figures?

Sandwell Tory said
As for the "Research" on the Bin problem, I can only assume the council officials are still looking into it!
and have been for the last 12 months, as this problem was originally reported back in September 2011

So I ask.  Were is your council tax money going?

12 months x 500 x £20 each = £120,000, enough to keep a few Libraries open

“We don’t know where they all go" said a council official last year, well is 12 months is long enough to find out.
Meanwhile at 1.5mt high, 6000 bins when stacked on top of each other would create a pile 9000 metres, as high as mount Everest???


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Labour spent even more money

I see my old favourite the Public is back in the news, with “The Public is winning people over”story

Apparently visitor numbers are now 263,501 for 2011/2012, that number is by a strange coincidence is approximately the number of people living in the Borough of Sandwell.

So if our council gave them £1.4M.thats the same as saying every man woman and child in the borough gave the public £5 each

back in November 2011 a report in the press said that the building cost £2.29m
and Cash flow from activities has fallen from £198,281 down to £74,278. Ticket sales dropped to £34,267 from £54,850

So I ask these questions
What is actually going on ?
Were is the car park ?
How can Sandwell Council justify the £72M spent on the Public?
What was Sandwell's share of the £72M Bill?
How much did the Property Consultants cost?

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Labour Spent all the Money

Having a trawl around the websites this evening I almost had a hernia laughing, I write about
Sandwell Councils leader and his Statement “It’s good to talk money!”

Apparently the council want people to conduct an on line survey on spending

We’re doing our best to cope and manage these cuts so we can focus our spending on the things we believe are most important to local people.

The "We believe" bit concerns me. Its not what Labour believe people want, its what the people want? and its called localism?, but I wish they had done this years ago, so I'll ask him a few questions

How much is this survey costing?
The Public, is it over £75 Million yet ? And how much a year is it costing?
How many libraries could you keep and even expand their services if you mothballed the Public?
Why did you demolish the Gala Baths, turn it into a car park and for 10 years promise a new one?
Why demolish loads of good solid houses in the Claypit lane area, with never a new brick laid?
Why demolish loads of good solid flats in New Street, Hill Top area, with never a new brick laid?
How many social dwellings were lost in just those 2 areas?
What happened to the Kings Cinema, when the Bus station was built ?
Why has the new Police station got no cells or a staff car park?
Why are so many High street shops closed ?
Where did all the Boats at Dartmouth park go to?
Why did the roof at the Council house in Oldbury leak when it was brand new ? And how much did it cost?
How much are you spending on temporary staff?

Just think If there had never been a public , there would never have been a one penny cut in Sandwell,
and tell us
Will the council tax go up because there are no elections in 2013? and who will you blame?

You can also complete the survey on one of the computers at our 19 libraries in the borough

Will the Libraries still be open Mr Cooper? or will your team close them ?

And in answer to your quote
In an ideal world we wouldn’t be cutting budgets,

Its not an ideal world after your Labour Party mates spent all the money, leaving us in this mess

But one of your Labour colleagues also thought it was good to "talk about money"
remember 'Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid to tell you there's no money left",  note.

If you’ve forgotten, please see this link for a reminder

or go to,      Labour’s left NO money...just this sick note

Readers,   let Sandwell know your views
3, (1)You must treat others with respect.

and  Don't forget 146 out of 151

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Does "SHE" get an apology ?

Another bit of  very unpleasant diatribe, from Labour , this time its about Maggie, with the re tweet of
Rot in hell. 

Will Labour leader Ed Miliband take disciplinary action? against the Sandwell Labour Leader ??
I doubt it !

take a look your self at what the press and others are saying and look at the pictures

Sandwell Tory said
I feel some fractions within Labour must hate Maggie for reminding them what Labour did to the UK.
To our younger readers the US classed our country as a basket case and a joke in 1979, after the then Labour Government presided over the UK going effectively Bankrupt and needing IMF financial help.
( very similar to 2010)
But she took on the last mess Labour left behind and repaired our broken country and she is still classed
as an international states man for the UK,

Is this what Labour Politics as come to? and will we get a resignation ? 

Sandwell Councillors code of conduct 
 3, (1)You must treat others with respect.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Setting the Level

In the days of old (1960's) the UK was a world beater, we had the TSR2, Blue streak,English electric Lightening, Concord,  

We had Electrical companies like GEC, AEI, BICC, English Electrical, Ferranti , Bush, McMichael, RGD, Decca, Hotpoint etc the list is to long 

We even had a few car companies as well, Rolls, Rover, Austin, Morris , Ford, Vauxhall, Triumph , Riley, Reliant, Morgan, Jaguar, Landrover, Hillman and not forgetting a company in East Anglia called Lotus.

The UK produced the best quality rolled steel in the world and our Tool steel was was a big export.

For our younger viewers sit down first and Google any of the above and you will find what the "Great" meant in Great Britain.  

Most of the older politicians sat "O" levels or "ordinary " and then went on to "A" Level or advanced level, a few like me sat CSE's or "Certificate in secondary education" and some like me were double entered for both the CSE's and "O"levels, just in case.

a CSE grade 1 was the equivalent to a grade c "O" level and very well respected, you had to sit a number of core subjects and a few self chosen.

Then we had the years of madness (1970's) with Strike after strike , bread strikes , sugar shortages , Electricity blackouts, Petrol stikes, and the dead were not buried, yes not buried , then the Fire brigade went on strike and the Army in their Green goddesses Army Fire Engines patrolled the streets. 

Slowly but surely education was changed, at the time they said it was for the better but then reports came in that the UK was slipping down the international education tables. Strangely enough the countries that were overtaking the UK in the education stakes were the very same countries we had given our old Matriculation system to.

They were using the British system and it was us that had changed. the French called their version of their Matriculation system the Baccalaureate

Even now a few hours after the announcement that the old system is coming back, we hear the boo hoo politics start

Sandwell Tory said
If the old way was good enough for the politicians who rule us now , why don't they want it to come back?

Sir Winston Churchill, once said "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery". how correct he was

Don't forget 146 out of 151 see below

Sunday, 16 September 2012

budget priorities survey

I see Sandwell is also holding an event to see what its residents views are on budget priorities
this is by a survey and can be completed at local libraries.

The Big Question is
Will the Libraries still be open ? as it seems there's a big meeting going on next week to see

 E-mail us your views on what you feel are the priorities within Sandwell

Library Cuts Threat

Yet another Labour disgrace on the horizon, this time its our libraries,with a threat to jobs.  SMBC just do not seem to have a clue what to do, perhaps its because almost all of the Councillors are socialist ?

Listen SMBC.

Most of your housing offices have closed,  yes?

There were massive queues all over the car park at Wednesbury housing office at the beginning of the month, Yes ?
( and I've been sent the photo's)

You closed down most of the Job Link system, Yes?

You hold educational courses in schools and other building, Yes?

You let out houses, Yes ?

Libraries have computers, Yes?

Libraries have very educated staff, Yes?

Bring in a number of different functions under one roof and recover your overhead

Sandwell Tory said
Labour this is the confidential and the special secret bit,

If you reduce the hours they are open, less people will use them, because the doors will be shut.
Reduce your Overhead not your staff (its simples) and called maths.
Don't forget 146 out of 151

see also

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

They just don't get it

Sandwell's Obsession with parking fee's bites again, this time its at the proposed £11M leisure centre in West Brom

this town already has a major Police station with no staff car parking , so the bobbies have to park in the street  ( where's the risk assessment on that one?)

With little or no parking for shoppers, Sandwell council should not be surprised when shoppers keep away and the news that takings from market stalls is dropping is a shining example of this parking fiasco.

Markets’ income falls by £50,000

But while shops close and Market traders shut up shop, Sandwell Council is singing all the way to the bank with news that it made £810,000 in parking fines the highest of the local authorities around

But on top of that it was released that Sandwell squashed a number of tickets this amounted to

4,500 parking fines unpaid

Sandwell's Obsession continues so Watch out Albion are they coming for you?

56 parking warnings issued on West Brom match day

Sandwell Tory said

Well Done Sandwell, while you rake in the money our premier town suffers, but you can always blame the recession the Government or the weather or perhaps its just down to the Maths results?  

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Sandwell School Row

I was amused this week to read that a Sandwell Council boss, is upset with Education Secretary Michael Gove MP. The Sandwell Labour Council Boss was quoted as saying
                 “I do not know what planet that guy is on to be honest. He's talking garbage.

This was apparently after comment made by Mr Gove on Sandwell Education. (see below)

This sarcastic comment comes from a Labour party that year after year has presided over almost the lowest academic results in England and this has gone on for almost a generation

But lets look at Sandwell Education a topic that has been mentioned a number of times on these pages

1, Labour have run this borough for over 30 years, with Labour also running the country for 13 years

2, For more years than I can remember Sandwell has been at the bottom of our countries league tables for educational achievement, not just for a few weeks but for over a decade our children's achievement as been lower than other local boroughs.

3, In the GCSE tables for Last year Sandwell ranked 138 out of 151 boroughs, a slight improvement, but in the “A” level ranking Sandwell moved down to 146 out of 151 boroughs

                                    Yes almost to the bottom of the whole country
Yet every year Sandwell Labour roll out a politician who says things are improving, but going down the table at "A"levels is a negative and not a positive improvement, I have to ask is this the state of Maths within our borough ? 

4, Sandwell Labour complain that they do not have enough school places for students
however Sandwell had a fascination for bulldozing schools or amalgamating some schools into new buildings or cramming the students into one school and re-naming it

remember these Primary schools?

Albion Junior, Beeches Infant,Blackheath Primary, Brasshouse Infant
Charlemont Primary, Corbett Infant, Cronehills Primary,Fir Tree Primary
Great Bridge Primary,Guns Village Infant, Hallam Junior, Hollyhedge Primary
Joseph Edward Cox, Kent Close Primary, Leasowes Primary, Locarno Primary,
Princes End Primary,Springfield Junior,Warley Infant

                                         Approximately 1900 primary school places gone

Perhaps Labour hopes you will forget?   but what about our local High schools?

Churchfields High, Brittania High and Hill Top High

                                       Approximately 2725 secondary school places gone

and yet Labour moan they are short of places ????? perhaps its simple maths ?

5, BSF, Labour used this idea to build, under what is called a PFI scheme   
( Borrow money,  Labour were very good at that and left us with a £145M /day interest bill)
This was to build schools because they were run down, one little tiny problem ?
Why had Sandwell not been repairing and maintaining schools over the years, the doors and
windows in their press photo's don't rot overnight ?

Mr Gove was quoted as saying he would like to see emphasis put on improving education and not just buildings. “What I would ask Sandwell councillors, have we seen enough emphasis placed on dealing with under performance in schools?

Sandwell Tory said
Yes for years Sandwell children have had excuse after excuse from Labour, but we have not had one single offer of a resignation from any in the Labour party and I have to wonder if Mr Gove knows this and perhaps he knows much, much more ?

We will improve children's education in Sandwell, that's not a promise that’s a fact, increasing students opportunity for their personal betterment, despite Labour.

3, (1)You must treat others with respect.

Further reading

Express & Star Thursday September 6th 2012 page 16 top left column
Express & Star Thursday September 20th 2001 page 5 centre spread

 copies available on request

 Read more:

If you have a problem
see also