Sunday, 25 August 2013

Sandwell Labour's Mess

Years after Labour's failed “home pathfinder programme” bulldozer frenzy knocked down your homes leaving acres of land rat infested and strewn with rubbish, Sandwell's Home building programme finally gets started with Conservative led government money.

Labour Do you remember Harvills Hawthorn

 Good solid houses Bulldozed under a failed Labour plan

 Labour are you ashamed of this mess ?

Now the Conservative Government has to put this mess right

Who Remembers Lia's Fish and Chip shop in Golds Hill ?
Opposite the Royal Exchange Pub ?
a favourite of mine on the way from school
Demolished in 1971, the council CPO'ed the land for an urgent development 
40 years later its still a weed infested mess

Sandwell's Education achievement improves, has schools leave the Council's control to become Acadamies,  and

The Economy up 0.7 % in one quarter
 Jobs are coming back.
New home building up,
Business confidence up
Deficit cut by a third.
Income tax cut for 25 million people.
1.3 million new private sector jobs.created
More than a million apprenticeships.
Benefits capped.
Net immigration down by more than a third.
Crime down by more than 10 per cent.
You can tell we're running the economy 
things are working again 

Remember Browns No Return to boom and bust

and we all went bust

Sandwell Tory said
Red Eds Labour's gloom and doom is doomed, all economic indicators show we are leaving Labour's mess behind and Red Ed's “oh wow is me” approach to politics is backfiring right into his polling figures.

Not only that but I wait to see if Red Ed makes it to the election as Labour has more splits than a garden full  of crazy paving,  with his own former minister questioning his leadership 

People want to see a policy and after over 2 years of moaning everything is wrong they slowly turn off.

Labour please keep him, he's the best you've got 

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Public West Bromwich

Readers of this blog know I've never loved the Public Arts centre, but I do find it amusing that our local MP is quoted as saying, There’s a lot to do in West Bromwich and he would try to help secure the future of the Public arts centre, then while he's on “Walk about” in OZ his Labour colleagues close it.

I feel the Public was the wrong building in the wrong place, our borough had and still has a much more important list of priorities to be tackled, Education, Housing and health before an Arts building was pursued.

Only now, 12 years after Labour closed the 2 public baths (the GALA) are they now in the process of replacing it on a much smaller scale.

People quote the Public's cost at £75Million but I feel its much higher than that, consider this

Where is the cost for the old bus station land?

Where is the cost for the new bus station land ?

Then we must include the cost impact of moving the bus station to allow the land to be used for the Public which press reports stated severely damaged the Queens squares trading ability and shops quickly closed, the single act of giving us the 3rd West Bromwich Police station in 40 years shows how good the “Development Plan” was especially now we learn the new station has got no cells and no staff car park, with the extra problems and cost that brings to the Police force.

The Kings 3 cinema complex was an excellent business with queues all over the car park, but within weeks of the new bus station work starting (2nd bus station in 40 years) It was in the press for all the wrong reasons, it went out of business saying lack of trade was the reason.

Sandwell Tory said

So what is the cost of this single building? We will never now the true costs, in this staggering mess, we have land transfers, the impact of lost businesses and lost jobs, lost commercial rents and rates.
West Bromwich does need an arts building, but first it needs to clarify what Art means , flashing lights was good 10 years ago but any games console can reproduce a much better display than the Public's "attractions"..and recently its slowly turned into a form of community centre.
It would be good to see our Town halls come back into life, before the councils bulldozers start rolling, West Bromwich Wednesbury, Smethwick etc, would be excellent places of art and history and music, but I fear the story is not over yet and there are more tears to come as Labour turn this into the Public farce Building



Thursday, 8 August 2013

Faggots & Peas or Children's Services

Sandwell has serious problems, Labour have given us, The Public Farce, failing Children’s Services, Bulldozed Housing, Bulldozed Schools, low academic achievement, Empty High streets, meanwhile companies line up to close and relocate to other boroughs and we have rising unemployment, all this follows 30 years of Labour running the borough, but with these major priorities we are advised that Faggots and Peas is the answer that will put everything right.

Our Labour MP's talk about Buses or grey peas and how bad the government is, but the main issues
affecting Sandwell residents are totally ignored.

Which do you feel is important?
a bowel of grey peas or put children’s services right ?  after 5 years of promises
a bus ride or building homes Labour bulldozed ?   Remember Labour's Pathfinder plan ! Bulldoze em
a bowl of faggots or Low academic achievement ? Over 10 years ! schools closed shocking Ofsted reports
a bus ride to an empty High street or high streets full of trading shops ? For Decades !

Once again its down to priorities, what is important to you?

After the last Labour government back in 1979 it took a whole generation before the public trusted Labour with running the country. This trust was broken by yet another Labour economic collapse, giving the youth of today the same experience my generation had in the 60's and 70's , if Labour win an election a economic collapse strangely follows.

Sandwell is made from a number of historically economically strong towns, then along came Sandwell and Sandwell Labour

Sandwell Tory said
30 odd years of Labour's promises, have got us were we are, while other boroughs prosper

Where are Sandwell's priorities


Friday, 2 August 2013

Sandwell Council is failing children in care

‘Inadequate’ that's the rating given to Sandwell but the residents have become accustom to the word
inadequate, since 2009 its being used a lot, We demand the Government places a management team to control the service as even I've even lost track on the directors and cabinet members that have been and gone with a common Labour phrase It will get better.

Year after year it excuses,  One person from the council said they needed more time , Isn't the years they've had enough ?
