I do hope you enjoy
reading lies as a leaflet paid for by your British tax money is
coming your way, its designed to Con you into voting to stay in the
EU and if you so much as consider voting out from this sick EU mess,
then Cameron's team promises a plague of flies and pestilence.
Lets look at this
lies start with
Being part of Europe is
good for Britain
Trouble is, its not we
pay an eye watering £55 million a day into a festering pit of Socialist delight, where
accounts are never signed off and every year tens of millions goes
missing, that's right for almost 20 years massive amounts of money is
“unaccountable “
Lets look at some facts
We have one vote in 28
Only Britain and
Germany pay in to the EU all the others take out
If Britain votes NO to the EU raising Taxes, guess
what the other countries vote for ? you've got it , they vote it through , full well in the knowledge it will increase British Taxes
We have been out voted
every time and we do not use our veto , we are always compliant, some say complicit
Our EU payments are
planned to rise again later in this year
So we paying more in for them to squander is good for
Britain eh?
WOW I'm supposed to be
impressed that British small businesses can trade with 500 million EU
Trouble is these citizens live in countries with 25% unemployment rates with some countries having almost 50% youth unemployment rates so they will be queuing to buy British Products
So that's good for
Britain eh?
Lets look at some facts
The EU does not let
Britain trade freely around the world, indeed we had to have special
concessions to buy New Zealand Lamb and EU permission to trade with other countries.
Even now only 45% of our trade is with EU countries and that's mostly oil and gas.
Even now only 45% of our trade is with EU countries and that's mostly oil and gas.
If we leave the EU's
chains that shackle British business, they would be FREE to do
business with 8.5 Billion people on the planet
Yes leaving the EU
would increase our market six fold
Remember Australian
Beef? Jamaican sugar ? African Oranges ? No one under 40 does
This is a big EU woppa,
Cameron's lie team say the EU has helped keep food prices down
If this wasn't so bad
it would be funny
The EU put tariffs
(TAX) on all food coming into the EU from around the world , worse
still to produce food the EU introduced a Common agricultural Policy
(CAP = TAX ), this CAP goes to pay French farmers who have small
inefficient fields which produce low yields so they dont go out of business.
Now for the problem,
British farmers are very efficient , so Britain ends up paying £8
billion a year in CAP tax, of which British farmers get about £2.7
billion back from the EU and most of what British farmers get back in payments go to paying
farmers to leave land fallow with no crops
YES the EU pay British farmers to have nothing in the fields ( No Crops)
YES the EU pay British farmers to have nothing in the fields ( No Crops)
The rest of our payments goes to France
and other EU countries
Food is expected to
drop 30% within 3 years of Brexit as our commonwealth countries and
our our farms return to full production
Before entry into the
EEC British farms were some of the most efficient and profitable in
the world
The EU is good for

This is the biggest lie of the lot, the EU has been excellent for German and French workers who have seen

This is the biggest lie of the lot, the EU has been excellent for German and French workers who have seen
their coal , steel and car factories prosper and
flourish on the back of our losses.
However the EU has been
a disaster for British workers since Britain joined the EEC ( to help
our trade) the only thing Britain has exported is British jobs
Car plants, coal
plants, Steel plants, Train manufacturing ,boat building , plane
manufacture all gone and strangely they have gone to Germany.
Now Cameron and Osborne sit quiet while our own British Stock market is sold to the Germans, so far there has been no moves by the British Government to stop the sale .
Now Cameron and Osborne sit quiet while our own British Stock market is sold to the Germans, so far there has been no moves by the British Government to stop the sale .
The Last disgraceful
loss was the Goodyear plant in Wolverhampton, when George Osborne was reported as going to help Goodyear staff,
we never saw him again
Even today we have 1000's of
Steel workers jobs which could be going due to Taxation from our own Government,
Cameron or Osborne will tell you its the Chinese steel THATS A LIE the Chinese are selling steel cheap, but the EU put massive taxes on our steel and Miliband and Cameron voted them through
Germany and France DO
NOT have the same ANTI business tax rate that Britain does, a quick
look at British energy taxes and emission taxes speaks volumes
While Britain closes
coal fired power stations , Germany opens brand new Coal fired power
Cameron ,Osborne ,
Miliband , Balls and Brown have all helped to keep your wages down
unemployment up and costs up
The EU has stolen your
Sandwell Tory said
Sandwell Tory said
Its about time someone in Government spoke the Truth, the EU or EEC as it was has been an experiment which has destroyed our nation, trapping our youth in low paid jobs while Britain has sold factories and exported British skilled jobs to Germany aided and abetted by Labour and Tory governments
This Conservative Government need to show it is Conservative and Back industry and back our steel workers
We must nationalise the Steel industry for a year or two , if Osborne can throw £billions at the Banks then sell them at a loss, surely this weak Government can do the same to protect 20 ,000 steel jobs.
The other option is Cameron, Osborne and Javid can pretend then do nothing which will speed up our exit from Europe with a bigger majority
You owe it to your children
for a better free life