Saturday 16 July 2016

Another day, another cabinet, is it another Tory Scam

Amazingly in the first two weeks since the pre-referendum remain lies, ¾ of the worlds nations have said they wish to sign trade deals with Britain, however after just 12 hours in the job our brand new Chancellor says it will take 6 years to come out the EU, this doesn't sound right.

We now have another statement from the PM that She won't trigger Article 50 until have UK-wideapproach

I'm worried, this new Prime minister with this new cabinet is sending all the wrong signals and we Brexiteers could all be being taken for suckers 

These statement show plainly the lies from “remain” continue 
What is their real plan.

Six years of paying our contributions into a corrupt, inept and antidemocratic EU is simply not tolerable, if he cant do the job then he should resign and go,this places our leaving the EU conveniently after the 2020 election,

The conspiracy theorists amongst you are already making  their own conclusions as to this massive time span, which just happens to give parties controlled by Europe the chance to make it their Election agenda.

 Is this a massive distraction?

Theresa May's new “wonderful new Tory Government 
is not as wonderful as it first seems

We have the same tired faces still working to EU and USA TTIP rules

NO COMMITMENT on rebuilding our armed forces
NO COMMITMENT on STOPPING the sale of our NHS to the USA

But they did give us a commitment to carry on paying our money into the Corrupt EU

Let look at what this remain led “BREXIT” lol, government is prepared to pay the EU over this mythical 6 years .
We have the
Net contribution
Bail outs
Rebate cuts
Foreign Aid

The UK's 'net contribution' after they kindly gave us a few pennies back is estimated at between £8.5 billion and £12 billion last year, dependent on who you actually believe but that does not include rebate cuts.
Blair was good at giving our Rebate away
Between 1985 and 2009 Maggie's extra negotiated rebate returned £63.9 bn to the UK
Blair disgracefully negotiated it away for no return in 2005 and as of 2010 our rebate had fallen 40% and is still falling, as of 2013 (est equivalent) Britain has now lost £ 7.4 Billion or the same as paying the wages of 60,000 nurses for each and every year since the rebate was reduced by Blair.

What a nice true European Blair was giving all your money away

Bail outs
Cameron became an exemplar good at bail outs and foreign aid
November 2010 Ireland £ 7.5 billion
July 2015 Greece £1 billion
Apr 2016 Turkey £1.8 Billion with a promise of £680million more
plus £15 billion per year in foreign aid
What a nice true European Cameron was giving all your money away

So in the next 6 years Britain could end up paying
Net contribution £72 Billion
Bail outs £15 Billion
Lost Rebate cuts £10 billion extra paid in Blair's lost rebate
Foreign Aid £90 Billion 

So a 6 year delay could well cost us around £180 Billion

More seriously only this week the German Deutsche Bank's Chief Economist has called For a €150 Billion Bailout Of European Banks, with €29 Billion needed at the Bremen Landesbank, which is said to be on the verge of Failure.

                               Didn't Merkel Do Well

Who do you think will pay for this mess ????

You've guessed it YOU the British tax payer
Is the Government holding back our Brexit article 50 so Theresa May can help her European friends stuck in this financial dogs dinner with another massive British bail out ?

After paying extra tax in the austerity programme, after all 58 year old Women lost their state pension till they are 66 paying to re-float all the British Banks so they could be sold at a loss to the politicians Banking friends and big corporate organisations.

Worse still the Tory and Labour party remain MPs actually wanted you to vote to stay in Europe so their big banking friends could get bigger and take more money from you.


Sandwell Tory said

Yes Folks, Is the real reason Tory and Labour remain lied to you was they could see this European collapse happening, they wanted to keep you in poverty, while paying to keep Europe in luxury and on the 23rd June you told them you had had enough.

Beware :
Do not get excited about cabinet changes or the Prime Minister changing, I hope I'm wrong , but I still reckon the Tory party's real masters are in Europe, just like the referendum the Tory remain will lie, cajole and try to convince you they are working for a good deal you, they will continue the fear, while negotiating all your rights away 

Sunday 3 July 2016

A Vote for May will Destroy the Party

What a disgraceful CON, in a last ditch attempt to deceive the party members and con people of this country, we hear there are calls for the leadership to be halted and Teresa May appointed as leader.

Conservative Party members must ask themselves, how did we manage to elect MP's who either simply do not talk to the membership, or are they that removed from reality they class members as fools and ignore what they say?

A number of people consider Theresa May has been a terrible Home secretary, indeed the Telegraph
did an excellent article on her failures only yesterday, but following rumours Tory High Command had the story pulled, so it disappeared from view

Here's is a Link to 
to an article from 

We have a failed Boarder patrol system , a failed Computer monitoring system and all good Conservatives must ask

Why did she never help MR Cameron the leader in his hour of Crisis ?

Sandwell Tory said
The Party I have loved and worked for is following Labour down a path were the party membership
want to go one way and the MP's in the REMAIN camp want to go the other way.

The Conservative  Party now has around 150,000 members,down 100,000 since the disgraced Cameron took over, the vast majority of whom are thought to have voted Leave.

Cameron's management has seen Tory Associations closed and amalgamated, party membership has hemorrhaged away,  in a number of cases members views have been ignored and ridiculed yet the Party board continues on a path of self destruction.

The EU lovers in the Tory Remain camp are now destroying the Tory Party

MP's must remember 

Britain and its Democracy 
Comes first  

The only way this can be ended is for democratic Tory Associations to control errant MPs or deselect them if you must .

Area Management should be sacked and its replacement  must be made more democratically accountable and  must voted in on Members VOTES only

The Party board is no longer fit for purpose being so far removed from the membership, it needs a complete revamp of board members. 

The prospect of a continued refusal to face facts is daunting, I firmly believe Party  management still cant see what they are doing, or worse still they ignore it hoping it will all blow over so they can return to their little London bubble, however even while I write this blog,  people including good Tories all over the UK are being contacted to join the New National Party of coalition.

I fear for the final vote, 
What will the Party board and the EU loving Tory MP's  do if their "chosen one" Theresa May  is embarrassed and ignored if the membership vote against her in a mass revolt ?  

Whats it to be, a Tory Party of old or a split Tory Party?