Tuesday 3 May 2011

Ed makes a “Policy statement”

After months of waiting ED has finaly made a policy statement

When Ed Miliband started Labour's local election campaign he gave Sandwell Council praise, for being a model of efficiency.
A council we should look to as an example of  "reducing waste.”

Let’s look at how Sandwell helped to reduce waste
£1.4 million on the public, which is now, puts it about £72 million spent in total  Sandwell Labour say they have to save £67 million. If this grand plan had never materialised, even half of this massive amount of money would make their problems a lot easier.

What about other cost savings are Labour making? To help you

£3million on a wind turbine in Sandwell Valley, which will power 20,000 homes ? 
                  one little problem their test wind turbine produced £35 of electricity in 1 year

£½ Million for 10 new electric cars? 
Why does Sandwell need expensive electric cars when the same amount could buy 
                        40 zero rated vehicles and why does it need cars any way? 

 £700 Million in liabilities (debt) with interest payments of £35 million a year.
 which is the same as saying ever man, woman and child in the borough, is paying
£125 per year in debt interest

Yes Ed, but Sandwell has to do a lot to catch up your last Labour governments               
£1 trillion debt
but its having a good go 

Sandwell tory said "A policy, a policy we've finally got a policy"  

See also

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