Friday 22 July 2011

First year

1.     The UK economy has grown by 1.8 per cent.
2.     The private sector has created over half a million extra jobs.
3.     Youth unemployment has fallen below the level we inherited from Labour.
4.     Businesses have invested £88.6 billion across the economy, up 6 per cent on the year before.
5.     Britain's credit rating, which was put on negative outlook under Labour, has been restored to its previous highest possible level.

Why we needed to deal with Labour's Debt

Put the TV on any channel and watch the news about
Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain with a hit of Italy and the Euro

Enough said


  1. But didn't this week's figures show that growth over the last 9 months was only 0.2% (the 0.8% being achieved by the leftover from the Labour Government when growth was rising at just under 2%).

    Oh no, I forgot... The royal binge, the tsunami, (funny how a tsunami in Japan impacts on us but not the Germans or French) good weather (in the last quarter it was bad weather to blame)... when even the Tories are finally getting the message that Boy George doesn't know what he's doing.

  2. Hello Bob

    Sorry for the delay

    You seem to have forgotten to mention the other things left over by Labour. £48 Billion in yearly interest charges and the debt itself two Trillion isn’t it ?

    I'll check later to see what the weather was like when the money was being spent?

    It all takes me back to 1978 when the IMF came a calling.

  3. Yes, because:

    1) George Osborne had already committed the Conservatives to "sticking to Labour's spending plans" before the US banks went crash... and then decided that hindsight was 20:20 vision (although he was still telling us the Irish economy was a model for Europe almost right up until it went belly up) and

    2) The Tories had spent 10 years screaming for less regulation on the financial sector.

    Brown was totally wrong to proclaim the end of boom and bust, but the Tories are the last people to claim the moral high ground.

  4. hello again Bob

    I seem to remember dear Tony saying they also stuck to Conservative financial plans
    For the first few years of the last Labour administration perhaps that’s why the economy grew so well in Labours first few years of office?.

    I agree hindsight is an exact science, and calling for less regulation on the financial sector is strange, but so is fighting the market forces that drive it.
    I well remember a Wednesday in September 1992 when our country lost £Billion’s in a morning fighting “market forces”

    The only thing I’m glad PM Brown did was to keep us out of the Euro, I know keeping out will not protect us fully, from the spend, spend merchants in Europe and across
    the pond but consider the following.

    This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
    This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
    This other Eden, demi-paradise,
    This fortress built by Nature for herself
    Against infection and the hand of war,
    This happy breed of men, this little world,
    This precious stone set in the silver sea,
    Which serves it in the office of a wall
    Or as a moat defensive to a house,
    Against the envy of less happier lands,--
    This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.

    You must know where it’s from
