Monday 4 June 2012

Euro pt2

Only a few months ago senior Labour ministers were shouting how good the US economy was, siting the US pumping  $Billions into the economy as the reason for the success and that the Uk's Coalition was totally wrong not follow.

Now some months later the US economy seems to be sadly slowing with the latest release of job creations.

Where are the Labour pundits now? why don't we hear their shouts? of pump more money in?

The same goes for Europe, the Socialist mantra of print a few more bank notes and it will be ok, worked for local financial problems, Governments then let inflation rise over a 5 or 10 year spell, effectively devaluing the currency and and taking away the public's pain and hardship by producing jobs when exports become cheaper.

This time its not a local problem loads of countries are effectively devaluing their currencies
( including ours) so the base line stops the same.
Effectively you spend Billions of £-$- Yen- Euro's to get absolutely no where. 

The worlds two biggest capitalist countries, the US & Japan are in the growth doldrums with thier economies stagnant.and over the last 10 years Japan has tried umpteen measures to kick start its economy including giving every one money to spend, but nothing was successful, Japanese folk just kept the money under the bed for a safe day.

The US are learning the same lesson and the UK economy is just about the same with -0.3% growth
(within a margin of error of 0%) UK residents are holding on to money.

Meanwhile Europe is a mess after following the Socialist spend more philosophy, but slowly European countries are realising this Ireland has just voted for Austerity and I believe Greece will too, just delaying the the date when the Euro collapses.

Some Politicians have yesterdays answers for today's problems and their rhetoric seems good to the electorate for a short term gain but in the long term  I fear they simply have not a clue, just what are these Euro socialist politicians playing at? even our own Prime Minister said that he's attended 18 economic summits in 2 years, yes 18 and its still a mess over there, If this had been a private sector company the share holders ( us the people) would be in revolt and voting them off.

Yet While they mess about in Europe on the socialist dream, its damaging our economy!

Labour went ballistic over a 1p rise in a pasty, but forgot to mention we are paying over £100M a day
in debt and Euro payments.

Do we need Euro politicians on £100,000 + when a school kid could spend that sum better?


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