Friday 5 July 2013

EU Referendum

So today's the day the Conservatives led coalition are having a vote to see if you ( the people )will be able
to have a vote on Europe

I wonder how many Labour MP's will not vote for it ,after all Ed Miliband said NO to a vote, but after all he's got enough problems holding his party together at the moment with the Labour party falling apart seams

Link to Expressand Star

see also

Link Express and star.Tom-Watson


  1. Meanwhile, the CBI business leaders' organisation has warned that a "halfway house" Norwegian or Swiss-style relationship with the European Union would not be better than full membership for the UK.

    From the CBI, this morning. So it is either in or out with the out being on the basis that there is no guarantee of being part of EFTA because they have not said that we can join. Heath and Thatcher alienated the Commonwealth for trade purposes so we can't go there. So, we become American lickspittles. Now, those are friends that we can trust and I am sure that they will confirm it once they have read this comment.

  2. That's funny because who's talking about a half way House? even Labour's Denis Healey as seen the light and says get out.

    All previous commonwealth countries are warm to the idea, the only ones against appear to be socialists.

    We have two issues

    1, the will of the people ?
    do you wish the people to decide their own destiny ? or force continued political integration without using the democratic process?


    2, Have you totally forgotten your history? when did a trading agreement become total political control?

    apart from that
    it would be nice to have massive fishing fleets on the East Coast
    it would be nice to have massive Steel Factories
    it would be nice to have massive Car Factories

    I seem to recall Europe had those as part of the "Plan"
