Tuesday, 29 July 2014

We agree Ed Miliband’s not Good Enough

People all over the UK are lining up to agree with us that Red Ed Miliband is not good enough to run a chip shop let alone a country, if Miliband's friendly former party advisor now claims 

with this support Miliband does not need enemies.

A SURVEY has also been started asking people their opinions on Red Ed, as this is a family blog
I will moderate my opinions. The Survey shows a number of Business men and Labour MPs views, strangely they have similar views to me, Miliband is a dangerous fool who would say anything to anyone for a vote. 

Sandwell Tory said
Who can trust the Labour Party 

Labour talked of a “A Britain For Hard-Working Families” then put them all on the dole

Remember Stafford, the NHS is NOT SAFE in Labours hands 

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Albion Fans Will Pay More in Labours new Football Tax

Yes dear Harriet dropped another Labour Bombshell today, Labour want to TAX the Premier League and sports betting firms, by introducing a 5% compulsory levy on Premier League football TV revenues 

 This is the last PMQ's when Labour's other Tax plans were exposed

What is it with Labour and Tax ? Does Ed get pleasure from seeing people taxed till they are poor
remember in our previous post Red Ed was surprised when Cameron released Labour crafty plan to increase everyones tax 

Will Balls get taxed for playing like this ?

Not Content with closing high street shops due to tax
Ed must have got even happier when Labours parking charge tax came in
Ed the idiot then applied Green taxes to your your Gas and Electric bills

But Ed was not happy so started squeezing the pips out your petrol bill with taxing petrol escalator

Will we now end up building houses on derelict premier team football grounds ?

Sandwell Tory said

Is this Labour party leadership thick ? Don’t they realise the extra tax will be passed on to the fans ?
I think Labour do know but they couldn't give a damn they need loads of money to waste 
but most of all,  Does Balls still have a driving License ?


Monday, 21 July 2014

Labours Rail Nationalisation

Just when you thought it was safe to go to work by train, along comes a fool threatening to nationalise 
the railways, so get ready for the return of Gladstone the 2-4-0 tank loco taking you to work 
on a 3rd class open carriage 

 A Miliband HS special 
Yes its the famous “Gladstone” from the 1937  film staring Will Hay in “Oh Mr Porter”

How many new high speed engines of this design will 
Mr Miliband require to go with his
latest archaic idea?   

My heart sinks at just how desperate the Labour Party has become
Its now quite embarrassing to hear Red Eds promises becoming more and more ridiculous

Sandwell Tory said
Red Eds rantings are getting like speeches from a Banana republic's socialist leader
But I do like comedians and that's why I'll watch the Will Hay film one more time 


Thursday, 17 July 2014

Labour plan to TAX YOU DRY

So now its now official while pretending they are for the working man the Deputy leader of the Labour party said yesterday “I think people on middle income should contribute more through their taxes“  So Labour do want to tax the hard working families of this country till they squeal.


Look at this pathetic excuse for an opposition leader and deputy
now Labours tax plans have been exposed

Shocked that their little secret is now public knowledge

Watch Prime ministers Questions and look at Red Ed cringe
But lets also look at the latest figures released today

Unemployment down
General Employment up - Youth employment up

more people in work than ever

the PM said

We have had a great recession the biggest in 100 years and Labour caused it and they are still in their jobs

Sandwell Tory said
Disaster after disaster, just like in Sandwell, Labour councillors are still in their jobs

After all if Labour did raise Taxes, Sandwell has not learned one thing about wasting money and we would end up with dozens of  Public Arts building and no homes for the people 

Labour couldn't run a Whelk store 

Friday, 11 July 2014

Flocks Go To West Bromwich High Street

Yes folks they are flocking in their doves I mean droves to see the all new  West Bromwich High Street, Sadly the brand new multi million £ paved floor is covered in droppings of the pigeons appreciation,
which is what Labour can do if allowed to 

Another master piece is Labours liking of Balls
This time its the cast iron variety, popping up all over the town
Some people I know are calling them 
“Little ED's” 

I assume that’s down to the fact they serve 
no useful purpose but cost a lot

One thing simply does not change

Yes the Pigeons now out number shoppers in the revamped high street

Sandwell Tory said

Does the Labour school of Business development want to close the lot?

I love the press bit about the Town is about to change

with Labour in control I reckon it will be a ghost town



Thursday, 3 July 2014

Sandwell Parking

Sandwell Labours hatred of local business was let lose on their own parks business this week when Labours hatred for the car continued with a vengeance and Parking charge plans were announced at our parks and
 other Black Country attractions.

This is what happens after Labour introduce parking charges
Cars Go - Customers Go - Shops close 
taken by Smethwick police station on a Saturday afternoon 

Note: Even the Police use the old college car park ???

Parking charges were to be introduced for the first time at a host of popular Black Country attractions if new proposals had been approved.

A £1 fee is planned for free car parks at Sandwell Valley park and farm, Dartmouth Park, Forge Mill Farm and Swan Pool.

The local Press reported
Residents and other users were united against this latest Labour Tax attack and people power won with the plans being scrapped  (or put on hold)

The council would have forked out £165,000 on the scheme, including pay and display machines and signs, but would have expected to rake in £181,000 a year.

Sandwell Tory said 
This is yet another attempt to attack the motorist  form an administration that does not know how to run a council for the benefit of its people
I bet the wriggling pathetic council will try to bring back charges again , by the back door
