Thursday 3 July 2014

Sandwell Parking

Sandwell Labours hatred of local business was let lose on their own parks business this week when Labours hatred for the car continued with a vengeance and Parking charge plans were announced at our parks and
 other Black Country attractions.

This is what happens after Labour introduce parking charges
Cars Go - Customers Go - Shops close 
taken by Smethwick police station on a Saturday afternoon 

Note: Even the Police use the old college car park ???

Parking charges were to be introduced for the first time at a host of popular Black Country attractions if new proposals had been approved.

A £1 fee is planned for free car parks at Sandwell Valley park and farm, Dartmouth Park, Forge Mill Farm and Swan Pool.

The local Press reported
Residents and other users were united against this latest Labour Tax attack and people power won with the plans being scrapped  (or put on hold)

The council would have forked out £165,000 on the scheme, including pay and display machines and signs, but would have expected to rake in £181,000 a year.

Sandwell Tory said 
This is yet another attempt to attack the motorist  form an administration that does not know how to run a council for the benefit of its people
I bet the wriggling pathetic council will try to bring back charges again , by the back door
