cartoon above by Mac
from the Daily Mail says it all, good Conservatives of
this land need to ask themselves a simple question , Can you trust
this Prime Minister to get the best EU deal for us the British,
after he told his MP's to IGNORE the local Conservative party
members and voters wishes that got them elected?.
I have remained silent
long enough,
Mr Cameron has lost my
respect he has to be the worst Prime Minister in British history,
even beating that last appalling loser Mr Blair by a country mile,
indeed politically they must be brothers..
Voters must ask
themselves simple question
When a Prime Minister
of Great Britain shows no respect for his own party members, treating
them like dirty serfs, then he must be prepared to treat you the
voter with the same vile contempt..
What chance does our
country and the electorate have in getting the truth from this Prime
Minister ?
The answer is
simple, NONE Cameron must class you all as serfs on his Lordships
This latest disgrace
follows dishonourable party letters sent to Conservative Associations
chairmen instructing them not to use Party offices and equipment to
support the EU out campaign, we've also had the Cabinet gagging
orders forcing known Eurosceptics into silence.
From the emails this
site receives, good true Conservative all over the UK find these the
actions of
a Prime Minister
growing more desperate daily, a Prime Minister who has more in kind
with Tony Blair than the Conservative Party, a Prime Minister that
Has the Conservative
Party got to the point where the use threats, coercion and force,
in a vain attempt to cover up appalling leadership is becoming
This PM is destroying
the party as more real Conservatives turn against this budding
Put simply Cameron is
losing the backing from his associations and no amount of threats
will force them into submission, grass roots followers are leaving
the party in disgust.
Conservative Eurosceptics all over the country have been silenced, while Cameron did
his pointless
negotiations ( or
perhaps plotting against the British ), while negotiating nothing.
This act attempted to
cover up that he humbled himself and ridiculed our country by asking
( begging ) Germany if it would allow the UK to change British
benefits payable to migrants.
The idiot came back with a deal in which migrants from some countries
will get HIGHER child benefits than UK families.
Worse still he came on
British TV saying it was a good deal !
Sandwell blogger
Cameron is either out of his depth and the European politicians see
him coming, or more sinister he has colluded and working with the
Europeans to hand over Britain a plate.
The Germans even have a
word for it Dorf
translates as “Village idiot”
have 4 years to the next election, we have a joke for a Labour
The Conservative Party
I love needs an election and a vote of No Confidence in Cameron
will trigger a leadership election, if MPs have the guts.
Conservatives in
Britain need to find a new leader, a leader who puts our Country and
Conservative party first, before personal power and loyalty to a
foreign power.
Like Blair
before him this man knows no limits to how low he will stoop to
appease his EU masters
save this country from those that work with
powers to run it
a better prosperous future
your grand children