Thursday 7 April 2016

Government spends £9m on leaflets to Con you to stay in

Readers are fully aware “We are not in it together “ when Cameron demonstrates perfectly he wants to hand Britain over to the German's on a plate,
All over the UK residents know Cameron cannot make a single decision about the UK without getting approval from his German Masters.

Now in a disgusting act of disloyalty while the people of the UK suffer cuts and hardships of austerity Cameron finds it acceptable to throw £9 million of your hard earned tax money to CON you into staying in the corrupt EU with a leaflet which will go to every home in the UK 

                                            Cameron is protecting Germany not Britain 

Lets look at what Cameron wants you to Stay in


How can Cameron want you
To VOTE to have more of this festering Mess?

Why on earth does a Prime Minister of the United kingdom
want you the people to have the same as those poor souls in Europe ?

Sandwell Tory said
Its now quite apparent the UK made a wrong decision back in 1975 we were all CONNED and for 40 years we have paid a heavy price
It hurts me to say it , but Cameron and Osborne have got to go, deselected or out voted in a vote of no confidence they are not good for future prosperity of the UK

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