Thursday 18 August 2011

European Tax

You have to hand it to the Germans & French, while the UK is battling through the economic storm created by spend, spend, spend, with money we didn’t have and paying off its debts, 
      it seems the Germans & French have found a new way to fund countries within the Euro group who simply could not get their finance in order.

You guessed it they want to put a new £13Billion Tax on the UK.  
To pay for their spending spree

They propose to put this latest tax on the stock market in London, as a Transaction Tax
Every deal the stock market does would carry a new tax and the money go to Europe.

How would that affect me I hear you ask???

It’s simple a big chunk of everyone’s pension payments comes from the stock market
and a new massive tax would simply drive investors to the US, Tokyo or Hong Kong.

Leaving you with less pension and less investment in the UK

One group has already called it Economic Suicide    

Sandwell Tory said

Once again It’s easy to spend someone else’s money and not worry about who pays
the bill, in the past both Labour & Conservative Governments have kept us out the
Euro zone for good reasons, these reasons still stand today.

Its seems they have just simply looked at raiding what little money the UK has left
To carry on spending

Can someone remind me what was that sign Winston Churchill used to make.

Answers on a post card please  

Read for yourself

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