Friday 5 August 2011

Labour say

1, We’ve spent £800 Million less on Health

The problem with Labour's argument is £800Million was there and has not been spent this accounts to less than 1% of the NHS budget and is called an under spend, some years there are overspends.

Sandwell Tory said
If you give someone £10 for a present and they only spend £9.90, how on earth is it a cut when you’ve still given them £10 ????  

2, Poor areas are having money taken away and giving it to the shires counties

Labour even put numbers to the perceived problem they say
Manchester would lose £41Million and Surrey would gain £61 Million


If you left things as they are, Manchester would  lose £41 Million, but you would have to wait 20 long years doing absolutely nothing to the funding for it to all add up to the sum of £41 Million

Obviously we have promised to increase Health spending and the commentators actually said Manchester is no worse off at all.

Listen to Radio 4 yourself
BBC Radio 4 “More or less” programme at 1.30 Friday 5th August 2011 

You’ve only got  7 days from this posting to listen to the truth, set you time line to 06.05 minutes

Sandwell Tory said
What’s that I hear spinning??

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